Friday, November 7, 2008

On A Winter Night

Just before the dawn, many people were standing silently encircling something in the midst of a highway.Actually, there was an accident .A reckless truck driver has trampled its truck over two innocent boys of about 19-20 years old. The people had caught him and then beat him so badly that he was lying on road, blood flowing through his body, some dark patches of red created over the gray road. Everyone cursed him for killing such innocent children.
Then only, through that silence, one man came close to the truck driver and asked "Why do you kill those boys, bastard?? You had brakes?? Why didn't you put them?? You could have saved two lives??".
Man bleeding on the roadside didn't answer. He was just seeing in the eyes of that person. The person again asked him. He didn't answer. The other person got annoyed and kicked him with his boots on the stomach. The truck driver cried in pain. The person asked him" Why are you not answering?? Are you ashamed of your act?? Are you feeling guilty?"

After some seconds, driver turned a bit, and said "What do you all want to know?? How the accident occurred?? Why didn't I put on the brakes?? Why I killed those two innocent boys??
So let me tell you, it was 3:00 a.m.I was driving within the prescribed speed on the highway on the left side of the road. Some boys from distance, on their power bikes, coming from the front, were seen. They were driving at some enormous speeds. It seemed, as if they were having a race.Suddenly, from nowhere one of these bikes in trying to move fast overtook a truck and lost its control and came in front of my truck. I could have applied the brakes, but the truck would have overturned. I am the only person who earns in the family of five. I have 3 small children and they too, are innocent. I also want to make their lives better, not a dark one like me...That's why i didn't put brakes??
Now, you tell me, who is innocent??"

Again, there was silence and this time a long one. No one spoke a word.And; the person who asked him the questions was standing still. Just some tears were flowing from his eyes as if they were speaking for him.
The truck driver was still bleeding. There was pain in his eyes...........


rechart said...

ye here we come ..

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Aayush Anand said...

hmmm... a story so tangible... yet we dont give a damn to these simple truths of ours... evreyone's perspective is to be seen into... there may be some compulsions, or sometimes jst simple coincidences which are taken to be as intentions... keep blogging buddy... hope to read more stories like that.

Anonymous said... d comment...
dere'll be more thngs coming

